ns=2;s=DEPRAG Smart/Devices/DEPRAG/AST/ActiveDevices/0/SystemOverview/ToolData/ToolDataItemKeys
Requests all keys of the tool data.
In addition to the parameters already explained, the following variables must be created / transferred for the implementation in TwinCAT 3:
bAstToolDataItemKeys : BOOL;
outputAstToolDataItemKeys : ST_ToolDataKeysOutputData;
hrAstToolDataItemKeys : HRESULT;
fbAst : FB_AST;
hrAstToolDataItemKeys := fbAst.ToolDataItemKeys(
bExecute := bAstToolDataKeys,
ConnectionHandle := depragSmartConnection.ConnectionHandle,
sDeviceId := '0',
OutputData => outputAstToolDataKeys);
IF hrAstToolDataKeys <> S_FALSE THEN
bAstToolDataKeys := FALSE;
For examples and explanations regarding the calls of nodes via Siemens TIA Portal please refer to the sub-menu "Siemens TIA Portal" in section "Getting Started".